Saturday, February 2, 2013

Linkedin Post - Reference List to 31 Jan 2012

I regularly post interesting articles I read/find on Linkedin. recenlty I found that Linkedin keeps a very limited history of posts so I thought I create a list here of all my past Linkedin posts as a reference point.

My Linkedin profile:

20/1 - She notes that while double-entry bookkeeping has long been a recorder of business growth, it has been oblivious to many of the intangibles people value most, such as good human relationships and a clean environment.

18/1 - Becoming more strategic: Three tips for any executive
14/1 - Will insurance make the difference in MySuper? 

11/1 – LGS tops climate risk survey -

10/1 - A great initiative but still a long way from implementation Integrated reporting seeks to add the five other types of capital to the current financial reporting of a business:
  1. Manufactured capital accounts
  2. Natural capital
  3. Human capital
  4. Intellectual capital.
  5. And, social capital

11/11 – Fiscal cliff definition

6/11 - Inhouse management isn’t for everyone - Attracting the right talent and budgetary constraints are cited as reasons for maintaining external investment management strategy

2/11 - The payoff and penalties of holding meetings

26/10 – Buzzwords -

25/10 - The offline executive  The more often someone feels compelled to check their e-mail or phone, the harder it is to focus on the task at hand.

25/9 - How to Memorize Verbatim Text

12/9 -  the argument for SMA’s  “Merton, who among other things was a co-founder of Long Term Capital Management, says these solutions have to be customised for every individual – to be individually managed accounts.”

6/9 - Understanding the lunch break Lunchtime Legends: The Ins and Outs of Workday Breaks  Published: September 04, 2012 in Knowledge@Australian School of Business "I usually eat in front of my monitor because everyone else does and I would feel like a slacker going out to eat for a half an hour or an hour to recharge.

25/7  - Crazy that Bob Carr can say the American economy is in decline when Australia's GDP is only slightly higher that that of NYC

20/6 Equities Obsession: Too Much of a Good Thing?

10/4 Why External Hires Get Paid More, and Perform Worse, than Internal Staff -   or is it that the expectations are higher?

30/3 - Will be interesting to see the results of this survey on on asset owners are managing climate change risk exposure across their respective portfolios.

6/2 - CIOS do you get what you pay for, interesting although this doesn’t take into account differences in investment style  -

12/1 - Worthwhile if you’re looking to increase your productivity in 2012 -

21/12/11 - Mapping Migration -

29/11/11 - Do Newspaper Articles Predict Aggregate Stock Returns?

22/11/11 - The effect of ageing on asset prices may make the rich world’s problems worse - http:///

17/11/11 - Scrum Master in Under 10 Minutes -

15/11/11 - 99 interview tips that will actually help you get a job -

4/11/11 - Angst for the educated -

30/9/11 - Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence: valuable to review this again from time to time -

25/9/11 - Eat Your Peas: A Recipe for Culture Change - The methods used by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver to promote health in a West Virginia city can also be used to raise organizational performance. -

9/9/11 - Effectively managing service operations - Effectively managing service operations is crucial to controlling labour costs and improving customer satisfaction. -

2/9/11 - Distortions and deceptions in strategic decisions -Companies are vulnerable to misconceptions, biases, and plain old lies. But not hopelessly vulnerable.

26/8/11 - How to Win Friends and Influence People: This is Dale Carnegie's summary of his book, from 1936 -

22/8/11 - 14 ways to create a memorable business card-

12/8/11 Seven steps to better brainstorming  - Most attempts at brainstorming are doomed. To generate better ideas—and boost the odds that your organization will act on them—start by asking better questions. -

10/8/11 Total Shareholder Returns -

28/7/11        The Rise of Generation C -

19/6/11        The "Nonplussed" Problem - How long should we cling to a word's original meaning? -
10/4/11 “That’s the Way We (Used to) Do Things Around Here” -

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